The University of Debrecen appears among the best 1,000 higher education institutions of the world in the latest Times Higher Education rankings. Finishing 3rd among the 11 Hungarian universities, UD has achieved its highest score in the area of teaching (ranked 351 globally).
Times Higher Education (THE), the prestigious, UK-based organisation published its World University Rankings 2022 on Thursday. According to the tables, the University of Debrecen has been ranked between 801-1,000 out of the 1,662 universities from all around the globe involved in the assessment, and finished 3rd among Hungarian universities. UD has achieved its best score in the area of teaching, securing a place for the university in the first quarter of the list.
Commenting on UD’s performance, Ákos Pintér, Vice Rector for General Affairs of the University of Debrecen said to hirek.unideb.hu that UD performed well in the ever-stronger international higher education scene.
– This 351st position reflects the excellent work done by our teachers, and our 437th place in the area of International Outlook is also remarkable. However, now we also have a clear picture of the areas where we need to improve, considering our 1,017th and 1,077th places in the areas of Research and Citations, respectively. In order to achieve better results, we will have to make efforts to get stronger in these segments – pointed out the Vice Rector.
The Times Higher Education is the only ranking organisation that evaluates research-intensive universities around the world based on all of their key activities, including teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. With a view to providing the most comprehensive and balanced evaluation, 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators are considered when ranking universities. As a result, these rankings are recognised by students, academics, university leaders, industries and governments as well. The indicators cover 5 areas: Teaching (learning environment); Research (volume, income and reputation); Citations (research influence); Industry income (knowledge transfer); and International outlook (staff, students and research).
Including UD, 11 Hungarian universities made it to the ranking list, which is topped by the University of Oxford (UK), the California Institute of Technology (US) and Harvard University (US).