The aim of the programme is to prepare specialists in economics and business with commerce and marketing competence and skills who are able to procure and market various products and services, and organise and manage commercial activities of small and medium enterprises. The programme provides students with the necessary background knowledge to continue to the second (MA) and later the third (PhD) phases of their training.
Course structure:
Economics, Methodology, Business Module (83 credits)
Introduction to Economics (3 credits)
Mathematics I. (5 credits)
Basics in Marketing (4 credits)
International Financial Accounting (5 credits)
Communication (2 credits)
Mathematics II. (5 credits)
Business Informatics (3 credits)
Microeconomics (5 credits)
Introduction to Business (4 credits)
Finance (5 credits)
Business Language I. (3 credits)
Statistics I. (5 credits)
Management (3 credits)
Macroeconomics (5 credits)
Management of Value Creating Processes (4 credits)
Business Language II. (3 credits)
Statistics II. (5 credits)
Environmental Economics (3 credits)
International Economics (4 credits)
Business Public Law (3 credits)
Business Planning (4 credits)
Social Sciences Module (17 credits)
Business Civil Law (3 credits)
EU studies (3 credits)
Philosophy (2 credits)
Sociology (3 credits)
Political Science (3 credits)
Economic History (3 credits)
Commerce and Marketing Professional Module (70 credits)
Commercial Commodity Description (3 credits)
Corporate Finance (5 credits)
Logistics (5 credits)
Marketing Management (5 credits)
Marketing Research (4 credits)
Marketing Communications (4 credits)
Foreign Trade Techniques (4 credits)
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (4 credits)
Economics of Trade (3 credits)
Organisational Behaviour (4 credits)
Media Economics (3 credits)
Product and Brand Management (3 credits)
Pricing in Marketing (3 credits)
Consumer Behaviour (4 credits)
Services Marketing (3 credits)
Planning and Analysis of Marketing Channels (3 credits)
International Marketing (4 credits)
Advertising and Advertising Planning (3 credits)
Non-profit and SME Marketing (3 credits)
Professional Optional Subjects (10 credits)
Thesis Writing (10 credits)
Business Practice (20 credits)